Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dear Readers

I apologize for the recent hiatus! I have been attempting to work two jobs, maintaining a full-time student status and of course being a mother to two munchkins. On top of the busy bee runnin' around I'm doing, I have come down with Chronic Bronchitis and Vertigo. I have many new posts planned and plan on having these posted as soon as possible. Thank you all for the support!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Friday Chaos #25 - Proud Co-Host

<div align="center"><a href="http://www.ohsoamelia.com" title="ohsoamelia"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi-deb6_Voy2h_jqNi_7Os7kRgflm-XCeZgOtwjC2p0d6Ee6CELRwjpXeParTkKKA_V-INFNRM9sr6cA5_PY6hkAwKFDEJTdnxlQ1WOnCuAjObxtYiBCwpiCqzWMeiuXo6ngMnSLp-39hU/s1600/FRIDAY+CHAOS.png" alt="Ohsoamelia" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Monday, January 21, 2013

Potato Mouseketeers!

Potato Mice found @ Disney Family!
This recipe was so cute, and kid friendly I just couldn't resist.
Okay, so my mouse isn't identical to the Disney Family mouse, but it reminds me of the movie Ratatouille. It has more of a rat look, then a mouse look. Besides, the kids had a blast making them!
Got them involved by letting them poke their potatoes with forks, scoop the potatos out after they had been cooked, stir the ingredients and restuffing the mice. They also got to decorate their mice and this is where they started screaming with excitement after waiting for the potatoes to cook. Okay, on to the good stuff!
- 4 Medium Baking Potatoes
- 1 Tbsp of Oil
- 2 Tbsp Butter
- Half Cup Milk
- Half Cup of Grated Cheese
-Green Onions
- Vanilla Yogurt Covered Raisins
Wash potatoes, and pat dry.
(I allowed the kids to wash them, and pat dry them with a paper towel.)
Prick the skin with a fork all over the potato.
Brush them all over with oil.
(I also allowed the kids to do this with a paper towel.)
Bake potatoes in the oven at 400 degrees for about an hour.
(45 minutes and they were done in my oven.)
Let potatoes cool, and cut the tops off.
Scoop out the potato inside into a bowl, and mix with butter, milk and 3/4 of the cheese.
(You will use the rest of the cheese on top.
You can sprinkle salt and pepper to taste, I did not.)
Once mixed, spoon the mixture back into the potato and top with the remaining cheese.
Cook on broil in the oven for 4 minutes, or until golden brown on top.
Slice the radishes into a mouse ear shape.
(I had perfect ones until my kids ate them!)
Cut slits in the sides of the mouse, and stuff the radishes in.
Cut a small tomato in half, and cut the front of the potato off so the tomato will stick to the face of the mouse.
Cut holes in the face of the potato to put the raisins for eyes.
Peel off a piece of green onion to use as the tail.
(The green onion curls as you pull it off.)
Cut a slit in the butt of the potato, and place the green onion tail in!
The Potato Mouseketeer is now edible, ENJOY!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Now You Can Belieb It!

My second Liebster Award in one week, provided by The Crafty Side Of Sarcasm!
The Liebster Award is awarded to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers, by bloggers.
As a nominee I have to nominate another 11 bloggers, Post 11 random facts about myself, Answer 11 questions for the awarding blogger {That’s Tash} and ask 11 questions to the 11 bloggers I nominated {Those of you who love even numbers might not be happy with all those elevens}. Sounds hard but it’ll be really fun!
Questions By The Crafty Side Of Sarcasm

1} What is your ultimate goal for 2013?
Being a more effective mother hyperactive children, find out more here!

2} If you could be anything in the world for a day what would it be?
If I could be anything in the world for a day, I would be a marine biologist. I can swim, but not well and I have always loved the creatures of the deep blue.

3} What is the best vacation {or staycation} you’ve ever been on?
Our family Holden Beach trips.

4} What is your favorite food?
My favorite food of all-time would have to be homemade lasagna with EXTRA ricotta. This was always my "birthday" dinner as a little girl.

5} What do you wish you could do everyday that you don’t get a chance to do?
MY HAIR & MAKE-UP! My two toddlers do not allow me my sacred bathroom time.

6} Do you burp in public? { I’m watching Honey BooBoo- it’s only appropriate}
Honestly, depends on where I'm at in public.

7} What is your favorite song?
I love country! I can't even think of a favorite song right now.

8} What makes it your favorite song?
Refer above!

9} What is the best dessert you’ve ever eaten?
We call them the Jump Out Of Bed Snacks, check them out.

10} Do you watch Honey BooBoo’s TV show?
Actually, I do! I think she is adorable. I've heard how people think the show is disgusting, and I think it's disgusting that people would judge a child.

11} What is your favorite TV channel?
The CW!
Proud To Announce My Nominees:
1} DeDe at Designed Decor
2}  Linda at Two Succulent Sisters
3} Amber at Scent Surplus
4} Camille at Life In Mod
5} Jennifer at A Little Bit Sassy
6} Vicky at The Pursuit of Normal
7} Laura-Kim at Harassed Mom
8} Alma at To Save A Dollar
9} Green Mom and Kids

I have been nominated twice now for the Liebster award, and believe or not out of the many blogs I am following I cannot find 11 this time with under 200 followers. If you have under 200 followers, leave a comment with your blog link and I will review and add you to this list. :)
My 11 questions for my nominees.
1} If you had the chance to go back in time, where and when would you go?
2} If you were granted three wishes, what would they be?
3} Your best recipe post?
4} Your best DIY post?
Tip:If 3 and 4 don't apply to you, find something you'd like to do yourself, or just post your favorite recipe.
5} Let's spice up Liebster questions! Draw a puppy blindfolded, take a picture and post it as the answer.
6} The most inspiring person in your life and why?
7} Your being shipped to an island and can only bring one item(not person) for survival, what would it be?
8} Your most popular blog post?
9} You can only eat one kind of sandwich for the rest of your life, what kind?
10} Favorite restuarant, why?
11} The blog you read the most? Outside of your own of course.

When you have posted your Liebster award post, please comment below with a link so I can come check it out!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

IPad 2 Giveaway + Extra Reward For Publishing Bloggers




It's a MPM Birthday Celebration Event

Prizes: iPad 2 with Wi-Fi 16GB in Black
Event dates: 2/4 - 3/4


Free Blog Event! Sign-up here, BLOGGERS WANTED

Do not miss out!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Sauteed & Smothered Chicken

The look of this recipe doesn't even amount to the taste it provides. I was completely shocked when I tasted this for the first time. I couldn't believe my mouth! :) This recipe looked to me like more of a filling gravy, so I decided to top it onto mashed potatoes, with a side of green beans.

-7 Tyson Chicken Tenderloins(Thawed, and cut into 1 inch pieces.)
-Fresh Sliced Mushrooms (To your liking!)
-1 can cream of mushroom
-1 can cream of chicken
-1 can french onion soup
-Pam Spray
-Cheesy Mashed Potatoes, or regular if you prefer.
Cut tenderloins into 1 inch pieces, and throw them in a Pam-sprayed pan with butter to sautee.
Let them cook until they reach a golden brown, or are white all the way through.
Combine the cream of mushroom, cream of chicken, sliced mushrooms and sauteed chicken in the crockpot.
Cook on low for 7 1/2 hrs.
Pour the crockpot mixture over potatoes, and enjoy the southern taste.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

You'll Never BeLIEBSTER!

A huge thank you to Momma Candy for the nomination for the Liebster award!

These are the Rules:

This award is given to new or up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers...the award is then passed along to other bloggers in the same category to help spread the word and support one another.

1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.

2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.

3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.

4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.

5. No tag backs.

11 Get to Know Me's

I have lived in 6 states, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, Arizona, Texas and California.
I dropped out of school at the ages of 13 and 16. Shocking, I know! I have my General Education Diploma, and am currently attending college at ITT Tech.
I have a serious addiction to Pretty Little Liars, and Gossip Girl.
I am probably the biggest procrastinator known to man.
I have serious organization issues, but that is being worked on. (A huge part of that motivation I will dedicate to blogging.)
I want to adopt a child in the "far" future.

I am deathly afraid of worms.
(Here come the boring ones...)
My favorite colors are pink, and green.
My favorite number is 7.
I love Italian and Mexican food.

I am currently unemployed.

Questions By Shauna Q from Momma Candy:

1. Why do you like where you live?
I actually don't like where I live. I live in Charlotte, which is a pretty big city. I would much rather be in the nice, quiet and open country.
2. Favorite caffeinated beverage?
Oh my! I have a serious pepsi addiction! I actually can get pretty grumpy when a Pepsi is not involved in my day. >.<
3. Favorite adult beverage?
I actually cannot say I have a favorite adult beverage. I very rarely indulge in drinking.
4. What did you want to be when you were little?
A million and one different things. I wanted to be a singer, but I sang through my nose. I've wanted to be a zoo keeper, a writer, a marine bioligist and the list could go on.

5. What is your favorite vacation to date?
I haven't been on a vacation in so long that I can't even recall past memories of one. I definitely miss our family vacations to Holden Beach every year.
6. What is your favorite television show?
This was actually one of my random facts. I have two that I refuse to decide between, Gossip Girl & Pretty Little Liars.
7. Favorite recipe?
I actually do not have a favorite yet. I haven't found one that stands out enough to be my favorite. The most delicious I've found were smothered and sauteed chicken, and peanut butter rice crispies.
8. County fair or amusement park?
Definitely the county fair. I love funnel cakes, and vinegar fries. I'm not a huge roller coaster fan, so the county fair rides are good enough for me. :)

9. Ocean or lake?
Ocean! For some reason I find lakes disgusting. The ocean seems much cleaner to me.

10. What is your favorite thing to blog about?
My favorite things to blog about are kid activities, craft and recipes.

11. If your blog is about something specific (food/fashion/reviews/etc), what else would you blog about if you could start a second blog?
If I had a second blog it would probably be about organization tips and ideas.

Questions For Nominees

1. What is your greatest fear?

2. What is an accomplishment you've made that has stuck with you?

3. Bad habits?

4. If you had to be an animal, what animal would that be? Why?

5. The most embarrassing thing thats ever happened to you?

6. Your earliest memory from childhood?

7. When you first meet someone, what is the first thing you notice?

8. Morning habits?

9. If someone made a movie biography of you, who would be the best actor/actress to fill your shoes?

10. If you could stay one age for the rest of your life, what age would that be? Why?

11. Last movie that made you cry?

My Nominations

 Mommy To Mommies
The Beverly Hills Mom
Mom In The USA
Super Mom Super Kids
Mitch Ryan
Feeding Big & More
Debby Does Avon
Adventures In Hickey Land
It Bakes Me Happy
Happy Kids, Inc.
M.A.'s Cafe



Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How Much Sleep Does Your Child Need?

I have been struggling with my 2 year old daughters sleeping habits from the womb. She was up every hour of the night for the first handful of months. I blamed this on her having colic, until I finally got hit over the head with a full nights rest. I was so in disbelief that I thought for sure I had just slept through her cries, which are much less dramatic now that she is a wee tot. I couldn't blame it on colic any longer, she had long outgrown that. I tried everything from kicking the naps, bedtime stories, baby massages, warm baths, warm milk with honey, you name it and I've tried it. After that single night of full rest, I decided to do some research on the amount of hours of sleep a 2 year old needs. I found that a 2 year old is supposed to have a total of 13 hours of sleep a day. That's insanity, when it comes to my child anyways. I used to give her naps, and she would nap away for 2 hours, and only sleep 5 or 6 at night. Thats when I decided to kick naps, and she started waking up a bit less at night. My daughter is now sleeping 9-11 hours a night and only waking up once, or even at all.
They say that a child who doesn't sleep through the night is more than likely sleep deprived, rather than not tired. I beg to differ in my case, because now she is sleeping much better than she ever has before.
Does my child frequently fall asleep while riding in the car?
No, not usually. They are more than likely singing, dancing, or whining for drink.
Do I have to wake him almost every morning?
My children are my alarm, so that answers that.
Does he seem cranky, irritable, or overtired during the day?
She has her cranky moments, but what 2 year old doesn't?
So according to Babycenter, my children are not sleep deprived, just require less sleep than the average child. I plan on continuing to receive my beautiful full nights sleep. :)
Check out our +Peanut Butter Banana Bears!
Don't forget to like Busy, Young, Single Momma Sanity's +Facebook page :)

Jump Out Of Bed Snack

These were so delicious I personally delivered them to the sleeping ones in the house, who then jumped out of bed to get more! 
Peanut Butter/Banana Bears
I found the recipe for the head at the above link, but I altered it a bit.
1/3 Cup Smooth Peanut Butter
1/3 Cup Confectioners Sugar
1 1/3 Cup Rice Krispies Cereal
3 Tbsp Unsalted Butter (I used the unsalted stick butter)
Body & Decorations:
Vanilla Yogurt Covered Raisins
1 Banana
Black Writing Icing
Head Instructions:
Combine Peanut Butter and butter in a microwavable bowl
Microwave until mixture is smooth and the butter is melted(About 1 min.)
Mix Rice Krispies and Confectioners Sugar well.
Pour Peanut Butter/Butter mixture over the Krispies, and stir.
Form circle shaped Peanut Butter Krispie treats, and put them on a cookie sheet
Stick the treats in the fridge for 30 minutes before decorating
Add M&Ms for ears, and use writing icing for the nose and mouth
Body Instructions:
Cut a banana in half long ways
Take the middle part one half of the banana(or any part that is the most straight for the bear torso) and cut it out.
Cut the curved ends of the banana halves in half for the arms, and legs.
Add the Vanilla Yogurt Raisins to the torso for bear buttons. :)
Enjoy! I know my little ones did, although they were hesitant to eat the bears head. I guess it was too cute to be devoured, but once tasted it was gone.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Giveaway Tue "Lates" Day!

My giveaway was scheduled for Monday and it is now Tuesday! Ahh, late on freebies and now the giveaway. Between school and the little ones my time is becoming more and more slim. As I promised, here is the giveaway!
I have some terms, but they do not include money.
Connect with me and my blog from the following places, and the first 3 to e-mail me @ mdamron1221@gmail.com having completed the terms, will be receiving their free items in the mail!
(For those of you not familiar with Sverve, it is much like Pinterest, but for mom bloggers. You can pick up paid assignments, promote your blog posts, and become a top influencer!)
Once you have signed up for Sverve,
E-Mail me with links that you have followed me from, and you are done:)

The Fun Part!

-Black Stretchy Headband with Orange Flower
-White Stretchy Headband with Pink Flower and Royal button
-Black Stretchy Headband, Yellow Flower with White PolkaDots
-White Stretchy Headband, Pink Flower with Lime Green PolkaDots
-White Newborn headband, Purple Flower
Newborn - 3 Months Headbands

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Freezin' Friday/Saturday Freebies - Kid Items & Activities

My energy plummeted last night, so here we are Saturday morning celebrating freebies! This week I focused on the best kid freebies I could find, so enjoy! Next week be looking for bath items for us hardworking moms.
Lowe's does this often, so keep checking the site for times and dates.
Tip: They are out of hardcovers, but you can still download the PDF version.
Up to 12 months old.
I will add more as the day allows, I'm off to tend to my little ones. :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Weather Keeping All The Chicks In One Coop?

As we all know the later, and earlier months of the year tend to keep us inside a bit more than usual. It's winter, most of us are in more than we're out. Keeping all the little ones calm, and avoiding the winter stir crazies sems impossible. I have been finding a few inside activities that wear off that extra energy of little ones. I have come across several YouTube Videos to help burn off the stir crazy that I thought I'd share:)
This woman is absolutely inspiring! She tells a story to kids through excercise. I tested this out with my children, and they have become very smitten with her YouTube show.
This is the video my kids watched today, and I plan on letting them watch one episode every day we are cooped up. Not only are they getting their wiggles out, they are also being educated.
This video had my children panting! It's a fast paced excercise video with easy moves for even our tiniest waddlers. They also have alot of educational videos for our young ones, which gives them my definite approval.
It features real children, which really motivates your little ones to follow along. They love to follow along with their peers.
This video has simple graphics and instructions. Some excercise, and learning about basic body parts in the act. Let's get our little ones movin'!
Here's to kickin' the winter blues!
Be sure to come back January 7th for entries into my giveaway! Also, Friday I will be providing a link list of the best freebies I have found on the web. :)

Wine Glasses Up To A Brand Spankin' New Year

Okay, I lied it's just a soup bowl full of an ungodly amount of coffee(one of the many things I plan on attempting to kick with the coming of the New Year).
Before I get started with my post, I'd like to introduce you to

InboxDollars :)
For anyone who wants to make a few extra bucks while working, or stay-at-home parents who feel the need to contribute financially. I used to be an avid survey taker, and made above a reasonable amount of money online, and InboxDollars just happened to be one of the sites I used. They have grown a ton since I've used them, so I'm even checking out the new tasks they have to offer. Everyday a collection of available tasks are listed for you to complete for cash. The amount you will earn for the task, and the description of the task will be presented before you make the decision to complete it. Tasks could be identifying the content of a photo, translating phrases, or completing descriptions for products or services. The tasks are so easy, why not head in for a little extra cash? Plus, the 5 dollar Sign-Up bonus is worth a little more than a gallon of gas!;)

New Years Resolutions

The father of my children was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 3, so here I am trying to keep all my screws from getting loose with two mini very hyper children. I was diagnosed with anxiety at the age of 13 when I had my first anxiety attack, which the feeling I described they associated with my appendix bursting. Anxiety causes me to get hyper, especially now that I have two hyper little ones. I refuse to medicate something that I can learn to handle on my own, so my New Year's resolutions will be based around handling certain things that trigger my anxiety, and my childrens' hyper outbursts.
1. Most importantly, we are going to start eating/drinking healthier and becoming much more active(excercise-wise).
2. With hyperactive children, often times you will want to yell endlessly. There is constant running, non-stop figdeting when trying to complete a "sit-still" type activity, constant yelling and talking. You will know if you have a hyperactive child, it's not the normal hyper 2 and 3 year old behavior, it is constant, and on top of the long days, nights will be hard to. I have done my reading and this is what I found. I am going to try to start sticking to these methods without yelling. I do ALOT of yelling, and it is not effective, whatsoever. For 2013, I am going to learn how to effectively discipline hyperactive children.
3. On top of learning how to effectively discipline my little energizer bunnies, I want to learn how to calm them when things seem to be getting out of control. Instill a calm enviroment in your hyperactive little one here. My babies especially my three old like to watch TV when they are feeling tired or restless, this will stop. I have found that although they are calm during this time, it causes the hyperactive fits to worsen.
My list could go on and on about how I'm going to attempt to keep my children calm, all while having some anxiety myself, but I won't bore you. If you think your child seems to be more hyper than others, and by this I mean an EVERYDAY/ALL DAY type deal, go here.

Our Fun New Years Eve Activities

We made Chex Muddy Buddies. This recipe was found right on the back of the Rice Chex box, and you can get it here. All you need is Rice Chex, Peanut Butter, Semisweet Chocolate Morsels, Butter, and Vanilla. I know we had all of this stuff left over from Christmas cookie baking, so it worked out perfect. I still have sweet stuff left over, but we are cutting down on sweet treats this year! :)
Then we proceeded to make noisemakers! I used rice, because it's not as likely to give you a headache as dry beans. ;) We recycled our Dasani water bottles, put rice with a few drop of food coloring in, and duct taped the top with pink duct tape. The kids absolutely loved these, and carried them around most of the day. You can dress these bottles up alot more than I did, with glue and colored tissue paper, marker, colored cotton balls, ribbon, etc. My kids were perfectly happy with making noise with colored rice, so I just stopped at that point.
We also blew up ballons, with a piece of paper full of instructions on what to do every hour until midnight. One of the balloons was popped before 6 PM even hit. By 8:30 PM we were all ready for bed, and there was no making it until midnight. By the time I got both of them to sleep, I couldn't sleep. Ahh, a mothers life!
I do realize my New Years post is a couple days late, but bringing in the New Year was especially eventful for us. Happy New Year everyone!